RYHA Pre-Skates

Levels and Eligibility

RYHA Pre-Skates are players who are registered with RYHA for Squirts, Peewee, or Bantam levels.

(RYHA players in the Anoka-Rogers Girls Co-Op will register for the Co-Op Pre-Skates)

Grade Eligible Move Ups

Grade-eligible move up players; Please register at your age level and then submit a request to ryha.hockeyreg@gmail.com to have the pre-skate registration moved up to the next level.


Pre-Skates will be held at the RAC.


See the dates and Times listed on the right side of the screen.



Week One 

Tuesday, September 3rd

Thursday, September 5th

Week Two 

Monday, September 9th

Tuesday, September 10th

Thursday, September 12th

Week Three 

Monday, September 16th

Tuesday, September 17th

Thursday, September 19th


5:00PM - 6:00PM Squirt Group 1

6:10PM - 7:10PM SQPW Group 1

7:20PM - 8:20PM SQPW Group 2

8:30PM - 9:30PM Bantam Group

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