Coach Registration

All USAH Coaches are required to complete registration Steps 1-5 before having any contact with players on or off ice including tryouts.

You can use the Coaching Requirements Checklist to easily track and understand what requirements you must complete this year.

You can view the status of your requirements by clicking the button below (Note - your name will only appear on the list after you have completed your RYHA registration)

Step 1: USA Hockey Registration

You must obtain your unique USA Hockey volunteer confirmation number for the current season. It will be required for all of the remaining steps. Select membership type of Player/Coach.

Step 2: RYHA COACH Registration

Follow the Coach registration link below.

PLEASE REGISTER with the same name you used with your USA Hockey Registration, i.e. Gregory vs Greg, Daniel vs Dan

Step 2.5: Anoka Coach Registration

If you are a Rogers-Anoka Co-op Coach, follow the link below to register with AAHA.

Step 3: Background Screening

USAH requires background screening every two years. The cost is $30. RYHA reimburses the cost to coaches who are successfully rostered on an RYHA team before signoff day and are not redlined during the season.

Not sure if you need a new background screen this year? Follow the link above and log into your USA Hockey Coach Profile. Click My Profile and then Coaching Information. The Screening Section will show your status.

Step 4: Safesport training

USAH requires SafeSport Training that must be renewed every 12 months. Training is available 60 days prior to the date of expiration. If your certification expires, you are ineligible to participate as a coach.

To renew or check the status of your SafeSport. Follow the link below and log into your USA Hockey Coach Profile. Click My Profile and then Coaching Information. The SafeSport Section will show your status and expiration date.

If your registration is set to expire mid season, a notification email will be sent to the email address on file with USAH.

Step 5: Concussion training

USAH requires Concussion Training every 2 years.

To see when your training is up for renewal, click the link below.

If your concussion training IS up for renewal, complete the training at one of the options below, AND upload proof of your training into your coach's profile within this RYHA site. (how-to)

  • USA Hockey age module
  • The Center for Disease control (here)
  • National Federation of State High School Associations (here)
  • Training provided through other youth sport program

If your concussion training is NOT up for renewal, no further action is needed by you.

Steps 6 & 7

The remaining steps need to be completed prior to D10 rostering

October 18, 2024 - Travel

November 8, 2024 - Mite

Step 6: CEP Certificate

USAH requires an active CEP certificate.

Exception - if you are only coaching Mites/8U you are required to have a Level 1 CEP; however, that Level 1 can be expired.

NOTE - USA Hockey only offers CEP Clinics until Mid-December, if you do not sign up for AND attend your clinic by then, you will be ineligible to be on the ice after December 31st.

If you need to take the next level training, click on the link below to sign up. Note - you can take a virtual class in any state.

After signing up for your next level CEP training, upload the 2 documents below to your coach's profile within this RYHA site. (how-to)

1) Proof of your enrollment

2) Copy of Receipt

Not sure when your CEP Certificate expires? Follow the link below. Click My Profile and then Coaching Information. The top section will show your CEP Number, Level and Expiration Date.

Step 7: USA Hockey Age Module

USAH requires the completion of an Age Specific Module for all ages you are coaching.

If you need to take the Age Specific Module for your respective coaching level(s), click on the link below (or the link within your USA Hockey Coach Profile) to sign up for the training.

Not sure which Age Modules you have completed? Follow the link below and log into your USA Hockey Coach Profile. Click My Profile and then Coaching Information. The top right section will show your completed Age Modules.


Coach Registration

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